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East Farleigh Primary School

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 Termly Information:

Throughout Term 1 and 2 we have focused on consolidating basic arithmetic, building confidence and speed with number, mixed calculations and fractions. 

We have also enhanced our reading by studying a range of texts and genres; we have continued to develop our comprehension skills through retrieval and inference.

In writing we have worked hard to embed a range of literary techniques and creative devices - editing and proofreading remain key focus areas.

Thank you in advance for all your additional home support, if you have any further questions or concerns, please contact Mrs Fuller or Miss Hooper via the class Dojo.

Year 6 Maths: Support and Challenge 

Please use the following materials to both support your child with tricky areas and challenge their understanding further. We have included a rage of topics with reasoning challenges and answers for you to check understanding and accuracy. 

BBC Bitesize Year 6 Maths

Arithmetic Challenges with Answers:

Test 1

Test 2

Test 3


 Reasoning Challenges with Answers:

Place Value Questions

Place Value Answers

 All Kinds of Number Questions

All Kinds of Number AnswersRounding Questions 

Rounding Answers

 Multiplication Reasoning Questions 

Multiplication Reasoning Answers 

Mixed Calculation Questions 

Mixed Calculation Answers

Fractions Questions

Fractions Answers



Reading is a vital life skill and we want to encourage children to read out loud to an adult regularly with follow up discussions and further questioning. 

Please use the following resources to support your reading and comprehension at home. 

100 Recommended Books for Year 6

BBC Bitesize Year 6 English

 Reading Comprehension Stem Questions  - please use these when you are reading with your child

 Upper KS2 Comprehension Pack - complete with extracts and questions 

Writing and Building Vocabulary:

 Talk for Writing Pack - Year 6 - Doors - The World of Possibility

Talk for Writing Pack - Year 6 - Greater Depth  

Creative Spelling Ideas 

Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation Revision Pack 


Wellbeing and Enrichment:

100  Things To Do Before You Are A Teenager!

Outdoor Learning Pack

Making a Worry Jar 

Supporting Your Child With Secondary Transition