Y2 Support at Home
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Please find below our yearly overview for maths topics.
Our next unit covers the topic of money. In this unit, children focus on coins and notes and cover the following topics: calculating total amounts, finding change and word problems.
Throughout the unit, there is a lot of focus on addition and subtraction of money using part-whole models and bar models, in addition to counting methods – enabling children to find the most efficient strategies, such as counting on from the coin or note of highest value to find the total. Children work with pounds, pence and notes, and towards the end of the unit they will work with pounds and pence together.
Below are some of the most common misconceptions children face in this unit, and strategies to support their understanding.
If you wish to support your child ahead of this unit, the following skills are applicable:
- Practice counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s.
- Have an understanding of the value of coins and notes.
- Use addition and subtraction strategies in context.
Perhaps your child can help with Christmas shopping/ a weekly shop, finding the amount to give to the cashier and working out what change they expect to receive. Alternatively, they can manage their Christmas money, identifying the value of the individual coins and notes and adding to work out the total.
Reading and Spelling
In Year Two, the children follow Bridge to Spelling through daily teaching of spelling objectives, which ensures that pupils become confident and competent spellers. At home you could practice some of the spellings of common exception words for Year Two, found below.
For reading, Class Two use the Accelerated Reader Program. The children are tested at the end of each term and this will provide them with a ZPD level (Zone of Proximal Development). You may feel this level is too easy, however our focus is very much on comprehension and how they are able to answer the questions.
- Reading at home – we encourage you to read with your child at least 3 times per week. Although we want the children to be reading independently, it is important that you spend time with your child reading the book that they have brought home.
- Quizzing – when your child has finished the book and shows an understanding of what they have read, they can quiz in school. Currently the children are not independent with logging into quizzes. Therefore, it may not always be possible for your child to quiz due to staff constraints. If your child scores below 70% in a quiz, they will be asked to re-read the book until they are ready to quiz again.
- Recording - We encourage you to write in your child’s reading record every time you have read with them. It is imperative you write in these books to let us know your child has finished the book and is ready to quiz. This doesn’t need to be a long comment. A simple: ‘finished book’ will suffice.
Some children have not yet moved to the Accelerated Reader program, so will still be bringing home Little Wandle phonics books and receiving daily phonics input. To support your child with phonics, you can:
- Revise sounds your child already knows.
- Recap the sounds they have learnt along with its spelling.
- Use target sounds in words and ask your child to repeat the sound back to you.
- Show your child how to blend, or sound out, words which use the target sound. For example, if your target sound is long i spelled ‘igh’, you would sound out the separate sounds, and then blend the sounds together to form the word, like this: ‘n – igh – t’ … ‘night’.
These children will be working on phase 5 of the Little Wandle Programme. The sounds for which can be found in the guide below:
how to say the phase 5 sounds september 2022 1 .pdf
Regardless of whether your child engages with the Little Wandle or Accelerated Reader program, we always encourage a love of reading in Class Two and so would love for your child to explore books and find their joys and interests as a reader beyond their school reading book. Please read as widely as you wish for pleasure at home. This will also boost their spellings, fluency, comprehension, confidence in writing and their wonderful imaginations!
This term, we will be focusing on writing fictional stories. Our key skills are:
- Use co-ordination (but, or)
- Add -ly to turn adjectives into adverbs
- Use commas to separate items in a list
- Write sentences with different forms: statement, question, exclamation, command
- Use subordination (apply because, introduce when)
- Use present and past tenses correctly and consistently
- Use punctuation correctly: exclamation marks, question marks, full stops
- Write in third person
- Sequence events by beginning, middle and end.
This term, we are exploring the book ‘The Lion Inside’ by Rachel Bright and Jim Field. Here is a link to the book if you would like to read it. Please do not share this with the children as we will be doing lots of predictions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H019G18irW0
Enrichment across the curriculum
In the wider curriculum, we are exploring Magnificent Monarchs in History, the uses of everyday materials and states of matter in Science and algorithms in Computing.