School Day
The school is open from 8.30am until 3.25pm daily (although wrap-around care is available)wrap-around care This equates to 32.5 compulsory hours in a typical week.
School start time
Our school day starts when the bell rings at 8.50am. Children are encouraged to arrive in school from 8.30am when our classrooms will be supervising and 'arrival early-morning activities' will be available. Arriving before the bell goes allows children to adjust to the school morning with their friends before learning starts promptly at 8.50am; there are many benefits for your child to arrive early as they are "ready to learn" when the bell goes.
Breaks & Lunch
The individual timetable of lessons for each class can be viewed on the Class Pages, however all children with the exception of Reception class, will have 2 morning breaks (0945-1000 & 1100-1115) and lunchtime from 1215 (1200 for KS1) - 1300. Reception class will take their morning breaks at different times of the morning in their own EYFS and join their older peers for lunchtime in the main play area.
Children come together for the 'Gathering Together' assembly from 2.45pm-3.05pm on Monday's Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays (special Celebration Assembly).
School end time
The school day finishes at staggered times as follows:
EYFS - 3.10pm
Years 1 & 2 - 3.15pm
Years 3 & 4 - 3.20pm
Years 5 & 6 - 3.25pm