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This is Me training

This week, Mrs Hodges and Mr Amos were delighted to attend the This is Me training at Aylesford Priory. The idyllic was home to a host of SENCOs and staff from a range of both primary and secondary settings all there to discover more about This is Me, the new route to referral and diagnosis for neurodivergent young people.

Below is an excellent explanation of T.I.M, taken from the Kent Integrated Care Board:

‘This is Me’ is a new tool that looks at a child’s strengths and needs, focussing on neurodivergence. A neurodivergent child’s brain processes information in a different way to most people. They may have sensory differences, difficulty sleeping or adapting to a change in routine. They could find it hard to sit still, make friends or say how they feel. All of these things can make school very challenging.

A professional will complete a ‘This is Me needs summary’, together with the child and their parents, after observing them and talking to them. The professional could be a teacher, special educational needs coordinator (SENCO), family liaison officer or another professional who works closely with your school and has been appropriately trained.

The ’This is Me needs summary’ looks at nine different areas. They are: speech and language; energy levels; attention and impulse control; emotional regulation ability; motor skills; sensory skills; adaptability and flexibility; empathising and systemising; and cognitive abilities.


Mrs Hodges and Mr Amos would be delighted to engage with those parents wishing to receive a 'This is Me' assessment for their child. More information will be circulated in the new year.