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East Farleigh Primary School

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The First Week for the EYFS!

What a fantastic first week at school it has been for our new EYFS children! We have begun teaching Phonics straight away and this week the children have learnt the sounds 's', 'a', 't' and 'p'! They have been very keen to begin mark making and have even had a go at writing some of the sounds. 

Our book this week has been 'Starting School' and the children have been able to relate their real lives to the story, we have discussed our feelings about starting schools and even come up with ways to help us if we're feeling a little nervous or anxious.

The children are loving exploring their new environment, playing with all the different resources and learning what areas we have in our indoor and outdoor areas. 

Socially the children have enjoyed getting to know their new peers and teachers, we have a lovely big team of adults this year in the EYFS so there is always someone on hand to give reassurance and comfort when needed. 

We are teaching the EYFS children at East Farleigh to be independent in their learning and socially, they are quickly getting to grips with the routines and expectations of school life and are learning how to do things for themselves such as zipping up their coats and getting their lunch trays.

We are excited to continue learning more as the weeks go on!