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Stickman in the Forest School (with Reception Class!)

It's been a grey cold day, but this did not by any means dampen the spirits of EYFS! All the children have had a lovely day out in the fresh air.

They even got to meet our resident Robin who visits and sings for us every Friday.

We based our session today  on the Julia Donaldson book 'Stick Man'. 

Stick man went on quite an adventure. We tried to replicate this with some lovely exploring as well as getting creative. 

After reading the book together we had to find Stick Man and rescue him from his frozen block.  The children had so much fun trying to free him. 

There were some wonderful Stick Man Creations as well which I am sure are  taking pride of place up on the fridge at home!

We had a wonderful team effort in making a big den which was great - the children sat under this while they drank their hot chocolate. 

I hope the children had a wonderful time in Forest School today. I enjoyed my time with them. Hopefully they will all sleep well tonight.  Enjoy your weekend