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East Farleigh Primary School

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PINs Project

 As you may already be aware, our school has been chosen to be part of the PINS pilot
project.   Please see these FAQs about the pilot.

In Kent, 20 Maidstone schools have been chosen to take part in an innovative project to
improve experiences for neurodivergent pupils in school.

The project, led by NHS Kent and Medway, Kent County Council (KCC) and Medway
Council, will trial a new national programme called Partnerships for Inclusion of
Neurodiversity in Schools (PINS) and will run until March 2025.


East Farleigh will have access to education and health specialists and the local
parent carer forums to provide extra support for their workforce development programmes.
This will enable schools to further develop their inclusive cultures and environments for
neurodivergent children.


Kent Parents and Carers Together (PACT) will work to strengthen relationships between
schools and parents and carers of neurodivergent children in their schools. Parents will have
the opportunity to share their views and ask questions at coffee mornings, focus groups and
via parent surveys. Kent PACT will share this feedback with local authority and school
leaders at regular meetings, acting as a voice for parents and carers. Kent PACT have already been in to school this week for our first coffee morning and will be coming into school regularly from now until March 2025, so please do look out for details of these sessions.

Our aim is to work with our staff and parents to establish working groups that can continue to grow and support the school community and raise awareness of neurodiversity after the pilot has ended. PINS is a whole-school approach and requires everyone’s input to ensure that it is successful and fully inclusive. We want to hear every parent’s voice  so please let us know if you would like to know more - senco@east-farleigh.kent.sch.uk 

FAQs - PINS project.