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Friends of East Farleigh 2023/2024 Round-up

What better way to start off the new school year, and our brand new news page, than to have a round-up of last year's 'friendly' achievements!

It was a very busy year with lots of changes, new beginnings and fond farewells - but we spent the year working hard and doing what we do best... raising money for our fabulous school!

Colour Run students huggingWe held many events over the course of the year ranging from adults only quiz nights, the Christmas Fayre and Summer Fete to the colour-run, discos and treasure hunts for the children.  We held smaller events such as Frozen Friday and the After-School Tuck Shop.  You may have also seen us selling refreshments at some of the school events such as the inaugural Arts Festival, Year 6s production of The Wind in the Willows and the open mornings for Mother's and Father's Day.  On top of all of this, we continued to run the Weekly Cake Raffle and the Pre-loved Uniform Shop.

As busy as the committee were, we couldn't have done it without the support of our 'Friends of the Friends' and the wider school community - we are ever grateful to you all.

Karen Barker and ChildrenFollowing a successful AGM in February, the line-up of committee members underwent a change with the fabulous Karen Barker stepping down as Chair after many years of faithful service to the Friends and due to her youngest children moving on to secondary.

Charlotte Saunders took up the helm with Sara Boorman stepping into Charlotte's shoes becoming Vice Chair and Nicola Skinner taking on the Secretary role in Sara's place.  There was a change to Treasurer too as Rhian Nuaman stepped down and Sharon Barker joined in the role.  Again we thank all past and current members of the committee for being not only a great bunch of hard-working people but a wonderful group to work alongside too.

Now for the important bit... we are happy to report that last year we raised over £6,800 for the school... discussions are underway, deciding and prioritising what this money will be spent on. As always though, rest-assured, it will be used to better they school and our children's education.

Here's to next year - watch this space for news updates and upcoming events and information.

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