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All about Autumn!

Today was all about Autumn in Class 2.

We identified that we are now in the season of Autumn, and considered what that meant.

In Autumn, the days start to get shorter, which means there’s less sunlight. Trees notice this change and start to get ready for winter. The weather also begins to change. The class did an amazing job at recalling their Science knowledge, and knew that deciduous trees lose their leaves when the weather gets cooler. Trees don’t need their leaves in the winter, so they prepare for it by letting them fall off, which helps them save energy and water. Class 2 linked this to our Science learning this week about what plants need to survive. We went on a walk to observe leaves and discussed the changes we noticed. We saw that green leaves turn into pretty colours like red, orange, and yellow and when they die, they turn brown (and crunchy- we loved the sound of the leaves under our feet!). We gathered a few leaves to bring back with us!

We painted our leaves in Autumn colours, before printing them on card to create our very own ‘falling leaves’ artwork!

We then considered what winter was like for some animals and if, like trees, they would have to prepare too? We thought about how Squirrels gather nuts, and some birds fly to warmer places where they can find food. We remembered reading about animals in winter in two of our Reading for Pleasure books- ‘Hibernation Hotel’ and ‘A little bit of Winter’.

We thought about Rabbit and Hedgehog in ‘A little bit of Winter’. Not all animals, like Rabbit, hibernate but some, like Hedgehog, do. We discussed what Hibernation means and why it is important for some animals to do. We used some of our gathered leaves to create our very own Hedgehogs that were ready for Autumn!

We had split our day between Autumn crafts and Forest School. Take a look at Mrs Le Beau's post ('Autumnal Leaves') on the 'Forest School News' section of the School Website to find out more about our wonderful day in nature!

All about Autumn!

Today was all about Autumn in Class 2.