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East Farleigh Primary School

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Music Vision

At East Farleigh we recognise the importance of developing the vital role that music has in developing creativity, individuality and self-expression alongside resilience, determination and confidence. We aim to dedicate sufficient and regular curriculum time to enable and excite children to develop their musical skills with a widening repertoire which they can use to create original, imaginative, fluent and distinctive compositions and performances. Musicians at East Farleigh are active participants in lessons, engaging fully with the full music making process developing an awareness and appreciation of a variety of musical genre, mastering the skills to play an instrument and using music technology effectively, accurately and appropriately. By the time children leave East Farleigh, our aim is that they will have gained a love for, and have an excellent knowledge of music, and an appreciation of different musical traditions and genres.

Our ambition is that children become passionate, lifelong learners who feel empowered to continue their musical education as they move into the next steps of their education.   We participate in the Young Voices concerts at the O2 and have our very own Art's Festival in May when musicians and other 'artists' have the opportunity to performed to a full audience. 

Curriculum Progression

Our music curriculum introduces every member of our school community to a wide range of music and artists, including those from different periods and cultures with an aim to create world citizens with an understanding of how music impacts and enhances societies and the wider world. BBC Ten Pieces allows children to engage with classical music and develop their self-expression and musical responses.

Opportunities for discussion, commentating on what we have heard, and talking through ideas and plans for our own work are actively encouraged within every learning sequence.

A clear progression of skills year on year, which build on prior learning – such as use of tools and techniques with increasing mastery forms the basis of an adapted curriculum which is, designed and developed to be ambitious and meet the needs of pupils with SEND, developing their knowledge, skills and abilities to apply what they know and can do with increasing fluency and independence.

progression music.pdf

A full Music progression document will be available here soon.  

Curriculum Concepts

Perform – Children understand that music is created to be performed. Children are given several opportunities throughout each year and their primary career to perform to a live audience. These opportunities range from in class performances to peers, nativity and end of Year 6 productions to performing in live venues such as the O2 Arena. Children are given opportunities to watch live performances from professional musicians at least once an academic year.

Compose – Children appreciate that music is created through a process which has a number of techniques. Children are encouraged to experiment with physical and virtual instruments.

Transcribe – Children understand that compositions need to be understood by others and that there are techniques and a language for communicating them. Musical transcription is encouraged from EYFS throughout the school in the form of graphic scores to using musical notation to express compositions.

Describe – Children appreciate the features and effectiveness of musical elements. A composer/specific genre of music is chosen weekly to be discussed in assemblies – children are encouraged to spend time appreciating music then describing the sounds/their feelings and the impact that music has.

Music Lessons 

In addition to all children learning a musical instrument during Year 4, we have a number of perapatetic Music Teachers who come into school at different times of the week to teach a variety of instruments and skills.   These includes:

Guitar,  Singing, Piano, Woodwind, Brass & Drumming.

Music lessons incur a cost to parents, however if your child is Pupil Premium and/or is in receipt of free-school meals, you may be entitled to subsidised or free sessions.   Please enquire with either the Music Leader of Learning, Miss Hooper or Mrs Walker.